146. MP3 music template

Saturday, December 26, 2009


name: Mp3 Multi column

Size : 55 KB

Type column : Multi column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


145. techno comp template


name: techcomp 3 column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


143. music studio


name: photo studio multi column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : multi column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


142. MU Wayne roney muiti column


name: MU Wayne roney multi column

Size : 50 KB

Type column : multi column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


141. alqur'an islamic template


name: islamic Alqur'an 2 column 2 layer

Size : 35 KB

Type column : 2 column 2 layer

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


140. techno blue


name: chomputech blue 3 column

Size : 20 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


135. sunset 3 column


name: sunset 3 column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


132. flower rainbow 3 column


name: flower rain garden 3 column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


131.choclate 3 column


name: choclate 3 column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


130. F1 ferari


name: FI Ferari team 3 column

Size : 50 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


125. teal blue-2column


name: teal blue 2 column

Size : 25 KB

Type column : 2 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


red fruit 3 column


name: fruit 3 column

Size : 40 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


110. 2 column punisher

Sunday, December 20, 2009


name: punisher 2 column

Size : 35 KB

Type column : 2 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


109. 2column 2 layer brother bear


Template name: 3 column korean girl

Size : 35 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


108. 3column blog busines


Template name: 3 column blog business

Size : 60 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


107. 4 column flower

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Template name: 4 column flower

Size : 60 KB

Type column : 4 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


106. 3 column bisnis template


Template name: 3 column business template

Size : 60 KB

Type column : 3 column

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


105. 3 column mecedes


Template name: 2 column 2 layer Mercedes Benz SLR

Size : 70 KB

Type column :2 Layers , 2 Columns , Fixed Background

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions
How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


104. 3 column cafe blog


template name: 3 column Cafe Blog

Size: 25 KB

2 Layers , 3 Columns , Fixed Background

Special for blogger (blogspot)

Type column : 3 column

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions
How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


103. 3column florestcant


Template name: 3 column florescant

Size: 25KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

(with Google account )

Type column : 3 column

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions
How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


101. 3 column rose


Template name: 3 column Rose

Size: 30KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

(with Google account )

Type column : 3 column

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions
How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


100. 3 column persian girl


Template name: 3 column Persian Girl

Size: 50KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

(with Google account )

type column : 3 column

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


Barner Link Exchange

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

For the friend who will exchange links please his pal Banner
automatically displays them on my blog page was written by site URL
address and the URL address of the buddy banner in the fields.
my barner smal does not meet the your blog /website

copy paste my barner link in below

Link Exchange Text

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

For friends who want to Link exchange his website or blog as awxs blog, please give comment, to tell if I've posted a link where you.

To put a link to this code below, copy-paste living alone:

Please Insert Link friends below automatically, but remember the link I put on my blog on my friends if it will not link me to delete

3 Column Deletico

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Template name : awxs - 3 Column Deletico
Size: 34KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
3-Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

Strawberry 4 column


Template name : awxs - Strawberry 4 column
Size: 48KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
4 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

Travel 4 Column


Template name : awxs- Travel 4 Column
Size: 50KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
4 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

3 Columns Secretary


Template name : awxs - 3 Columns Secretary
Size: 34KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
3 Columns, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

2 Layers , 2 Columns ship


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns ship
Size:57 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

2 Column Orange


Template name : awxs - 2 Column Orange
Size: 45KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
2 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns cat
Size:60 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

2 Column Persepolis


Template name : awxs - 2 Column Persepolis
Size: 48KB
Image Source: 3dparse.com
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
2 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolution

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


How to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.


Template name : awxs - 2 Column Paint
Size: 40KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
2 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.

DownloadHow to upload Blogger templates

1. Download your Blogger template
2. Log in to your Blogger dashboard
and go to Layout >> Edit HTML
3. Remember to back up your old template.
To do this, click on the
"download full template"link and save
the file to your hard drive.
4. Look for the section near the top where
you can browse for your template
5. Enter the location of your template
and press "upload".
6. The HTML of your new template will now
appear in the box below. You can
preview your template or simply
save to start using it!
7. Done. Enjoy!

P/s: If you have any problems with your templates,
please leave a comment on my blog.
I will help you if I can.

2 Column Champagne


Template name : awxs - 2 Column Champagne
Size: 34KB
Type: New Blogger Template (XML)
2-Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 Columns Mercedes Benz


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns Mercedes Benz
Size:68 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns , Fixed Background
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 Columns Toad


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns Toad
Size:35 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers 2 coulmn guitarist


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 coulmn guitarist

Size: 57KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

(With Google Account )

Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolution
Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 Columns Egg


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns Egg
Size:54 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 colmn Al-Arab Tower


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 colmn Al-Arab Tower

Size: 37KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

2 Column, Fixed Width, Editable

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 Columns strawberry


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 Columns strawberry
Size:53 KB
Fixed Background , 2 Layers , 2 Columns ,
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 colmn street


Template name : awxs - 2 Layers , 2 colmn street
Size:57 KB
type : Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolution
Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Column Audi


Template name : awxs - 2 colmn Audi

Size: 35KB

Type: New Blogger Template (XML)

two Column, Fixed Width, Editable

Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 Layers , 2 Columns pianist


Template name : 2 Layers , 2 Columns pianist
Size:35 KB
Fixed Background 2 Layers , 2 Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


New gitaris 1 2 Layers 2Columns


Template Name : New gitaris1, 2 Layers , 2Columns
Size : 36 KB
Fixed Background, 2 Layers , 2Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


auto BLog 2 Layers 2Columns


Template Name : auto BLog 2 Layers 2Columns
Size : 36 KB
Fixed Background , 2 Layers , 2Columns , Fixed Background
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


hand 2 Layers 2Columns


Template Name : awxs - hand
Size : 36 KB
Fixed Background 2 Layers , 2Columns
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


2 column charcoal adsense ready


Template Name : awxs - charcoal adsense ready
Size : 36 KB
Special for Blogger (blogspot)
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions

Note: Replace this XML code with your current code (only for new Blogger)
you are allowed to use this theme for your blog. free of charge. We do require though that you will keep the hyperlink to our website of the theme while using it.


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